Spin For Life is a peer-to-peer fundraiser created by two of Virtu’s founders, Zoë and Steve Klintberg Nagy. Due to its novel financial fundraising structure and complete custom build from the ground up, Spin For Life’s proof of concept event phase raised a quarter million dollars – 100% to Cause – for the Canadian Cancer Society.
Now, after designing a fully modular and repeatable, tour-savvy in-person event and spearheading multiple ways to host multi-site at-home and in-venue digital events during the pandemic, this Virtu property is on the hunt for new charitable partners in Canada, the United States and Oceania.
Spin For Life is an indoor cycling, virtual journey around the world. Each Spin Hour is led by Spin Guides who match the physical challenges to the sights, sounds and landscapes of that hour’s section of the globe. And while the Spinners sweat, their teammates either from the nearby sponsored Global Marketplace or through the integrated digital broadcast platforms of the event.